










钟生辉,工学博士,副研究员,本博均毕业于天津大学,隆德大学联合培养博士。主要研究方向为燃烧和多相流过程的基础试验与高保真数值模拟,特别是通过AI for Science的方法探究能源转换利用过程中的科学问题,已在燃烧和流体等领域内权威期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,主持或作为项目骨干参与国家自然科学基金项目和科技部重点专项等。担任中国内燃机学会航空内燃机分会委员,中国航空学会结冰与防除冰分会青年委员,国际燃烧学会会员。


[1] 低成冰活性与孔隙自排水协同强化的分层微纳仿生表面防冰机理研究,国家自然科学基金委,2024年-2026年,30万元,主持;

[2] 飞机尾气对机场区域环境影响研究及其监测装备研发,科学技术部,2023年-2026年,485万元,参与;

[3] 氢氨掺混燃料先进燃气涡轮发动机无焰燃烧技术研究,浙江省自然科学基金,2023年-2025年,30万元,参与。


[1] Shenghui Zhong, Shijie Xu, Fan Zhang, Zhijun Peng, Longfei Chen, Xue-Song Bai, Cool flame wave propagation in high-pressure spray flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39(2):2513-2522.

[2] Shenghui Zhong, Leilei Xu, Shijie Xu, Yan Zhang, Fan Zhang, Kui Jiao, Zhijun Peng, Xue-Song Bai, Assessment of grid/filter size dependence in large eddy simulation of high-pressure spray flames, Fuel, 2022, 329:125316.

[3] Shenghui Zhong, Shijie Xu, Xue-Song Bai, Zhijun Peng, Fan Zhang, Large eddy simulation of n-heptane/syngas pilot ignition spray combustion: Ignition process, liftoff evolution and pollutant emissions, Energy, 2021, 233:121080.

[4] Shenghui Zhong, Shijie Xu, Xue-Song Bai, Ahmad Hadadpour, Mehdi Jangi, Fan Zhang, Qing Du, Zhijun Peng, Combustion characteristics of n-heptane spray combustion in a low temperature reform gas/air environment, Fuel, 2021, 293:120377.

[5] Shenghui Zhong, Fan Zhang, Mehdi Jangi, Xue-Song Bai, Mingfa Yao, Zhijun Peng, Structure and propagation of n-heptane/air premixed flame in low temperature ignition regime, Applied Energy, 2020, 275:115320.

[6] Shenghui Zhong, Fan Zhang, Qing Du, Zhijun Peng, Characteristics of reactivity controlled combustion with n-heptane low temperature reforming products, Fuel, 2020, 275: 117980.

[7] Shenghui Zhong, Fan Zhang, Qing Du, Zhijun Peng, Roles of CO2 and H2O in premixed turbulent oxy-fuel combustion, Fuel, 2018, 234:1044-1054.

[8] Thommie Nilsson, Shenghui Zhong, Christer Fureby, LES of H2-air jet combustion in high enthalpy supersonic crossflow, Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33:035133.

[9] Shijie Xu, Shenghui Zhong, Fan Zhang, Xue-Song Bai, On element mass conservation in Eulerian stochastic fields modeling of turbulent combustion, Combustion and Flame, 2022, 239:111577.

[10] Rodolfo C Rocha, Shenghui Zhong, Leilei Xu, Xue-Song Bai, Mario Costa, Xiao Cai, Haisol Kim, Christian Brackmann, Zhongshan Li, Marcus Alden, Structure and laminar flame speed of an ammonia/methane/air premixed flame under varying pressure and equivalence ratio, Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(9): 7179-7192.

[11] Shijie Xu, Shenghui Zhong, Kar Mun Pang, Senbin Yu, Mehdi Jangi, Xue-song Bai, Effects of ambient methanol on pollutants formation in dual-fuel spray combustion at varying ambient temperatures: A large-eddy simulation, Applied Energy, 2020, 279:115774.

[12] Yan Zhang, Shijie Xu, Shenghui Zhong, Xue-Song Bai, Hu Wang, Mingfa Yao, Large eddy simulation of spray combustion using flamelet generated manifolds combined with artificial neural networks, Energy and AI, 2020, 2:100021.

[13] Weijie Fan, Shijie Liu, Shenghui Zhong, Haoyang Peng, Xueqiang Yuan, Weidong Liu, Characteristics of ethylene–air continuous rotating detonation in the cavity-based annular combustor, Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 045142.

[14] Yangyang Ban, Shenghui Zhong, Jiajian Zhu, Fan Zhang, Effects of non-equilibrium plasma and equilibrium discharge on low-temperature combustion in lean propane/air mixtures, Fuel, 2023, 339:127353.

[15] Miao Yang, Shenghui Zhong, Shijie Xu, Leilei Xu, Peter Ottosson, Hesameddin Fatehi, Xue-Song Bai, CFD simulation of biomass combustion in an industrial circulating fluidized bed furnace, Combustion Science and Technology, 2023, 195(14):3310-3340.


[1] 2012.09—2016.06


[2] 2016.09-- 2022.01


[3] 2018.10-- 2020.11



[1] 2022.01-- 2023.12


[2] 2023.12-- 至今
